Animals That Probably Wouldn’t Make Good Domestic Pets

Animals That Probably Wouldn’t Make Good Domestic Pets

Bald Eagle -

Many people like to collect birds because of their beautiful plumage and sweet voices. But bald eagles are not the type of avian creatures that will fit nicely in the cute bird house you just got from the garden store. Sure bald eagles are magnificent, but they are too aggressive to be part of your annual garden party. 
Squid - 
If you want a member of the Cephalopod family, it's best to stick with the octopus, not the squid. They don't survive too well in domestic aquariums.
Koala - 
These cuddly marsupials from the land down under are cute as a button, but that doesn't make them conducive for you and your family. In fact, it's illegal to own a Koala as a pet in Australia.
